Iam Gonzalo Vila, and i stayed in the hotel the 18 -24 of October. The thing is that i payed for Dinner 7 nigths ( because some in the reception said that it was very dangerous to go outside the hotel for dinner),that is not true beacuse you dont need to go to the little town, (in the line of the beach there are Many hotels restaurants connected to each others and if you use that connection to go for a walk and try differents hotels for dinner it is not dangerous at all but of course they sale that it was it ,so that We decided to Pay all the dinners in the hilton .When we realized that it wasnt true , that is esa totally Safe to walk between the connections of the hotels, we ask to cancel 4 nights dinner at hilton so we could try other places, and we ask for a refaund of that money in our card, that We has Pay the first day . As we only use 3 dinners you cut the brasalet and said that hilton was going to refaund our money in the 5 days after we go.
There is no refound in my crédit card yet. I wrote an e mail to the manager and he NEVER answer!!!!Please check your problem and make the refound. What they should return me is 160 usd of the 4 nights that We finally do Not have dinner at the hilton !!!!
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