Like many other budget hotels, once you’re asleep they’re perfect. Until then they are super depressing. Broken knobs, cracked up sinks with no drain stoppers, caulking over caulking over more caulking, $10 blankets, shampoo that can degrease your engine, These signature signs you’re in a budget motel. Walk the long dark and dank interior hall and you can clearly hear conversations and TV chatter in every occupied room. While the degraded conditions found in this motel are not unique, what is troubling is that the owner couldn’t give a damn that their place looks like a tenements and they are charging a days wages for the experience. As long as money flows in they are not going to upgrade the occupants experience. They are certainly aware that their hotel is a dump. So what do they do, they smear lipstick on their pig: in this case, $30 posters of nature on the cracked walls.
Okay enough bashing. What’s to like? The water bottle filling station in the lobby. The smiling registration staff. The comfortable bed, which honestly is the most important feature. So close your eyes and imagine you’re at the InterContinental, but just remember where you are if you need to make a pit stop in the middle of the night, and put on slippers or flip flops to make it to the bathroom, because you certainly don’t want your feet touching the matted carpet or sticky floor.