The fridge in the room is very noisy. I turned it off.
But even more noisy things are other guests of the hotel.
There were many guests who speak loudly in the corridor in the midnight (especially Friday night).
The room door is automatically locked when it is closed, but if you do not close it firmly enough, the latch does not work, and it is not locked. One day, when I came back to the room, the door was not closed firmly enough, so I could open the door without the key. Apparently, the staff who cleaned up the room did not close the door firmly.
One day, a corner of a bed sheet was yellow and dirty.
One day, the floor of the restroom was not very clean after the room cleaning.
On the other hand, the equipments of the rest room, the water tab, and the shower room themselves are very clean.
I especially like the steal floor of the shower room.
It was very clean. Some of the staffs at the reception were also good.